Move in May is underway! In our household, May is a busy time of year and this month is no exception. I’m currently in the middle of exam and essay season at university, my partner’s clinic is full, and our youngest child joined our eldest at nursery. Without the Breastfeeding Network’s challenge to keep our bodies moving, I would definitely be ending each day, every day, slumped in a heap on our bean bag!
My most significant change since starting Move in May has been switching driving for walking wherever I can… Even if it’s raining. So not only am I getting my blood pumping, I’m also helping the environment and saving money. I picked up a second-hand hopscotch for us to play indoors, which went down a treat one rainy afternoon.
During online lectures where we’re just required to listen and learn, I’ve taken to stretching on my yoga mat, instead of sitting at my desk for hours on end. And my biggest achievement? I tackled some cardio for the first time in months!
Sailing has not always been plain though and one day a strong headache knocked me off my feet. Whereas I would normally hide under a duvet in the dark until the pain had passed, I attempted some “Yoga for Headache Release” in my pyjamas (thanks YouTube!). My partner took our little people out for a long walk, so I even had a few hours of recovery in the peace and quiet too.
I hope you’re enjoying the Move in May challenge. Let me know how you’re getting on and what you’re trying!
Ash x
p.s. you can reach me at @oh_anotherstudentmidwife and don’t forget to use the hashtag #MoveinMay2021.