Ending your breastfeeding journey: some approaches to parent-led weaning
Emma Pickett IBCLC Making the decision to end breastfeeding Breastfeeding support is all about helping you to breastfeed for as long as you want to....
Hyperemesis Gravidarum – Karen’s Story
To mark Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day, Karen shares her experience of living with HG.
International Day of the Midwife 2023
by Claire Montgomery, Breastfeeding Peer Support Coordinator, Ayrshire & Arran In Ayrshire & Arran, we are in a unique position that we are able to...
Loddon Valley is Latest to Become Breastfeeding Friendly
Photo Credit: Stewart Turkington Loddon Valley Leisure Centre is the latest venue to have gained ‘breastfeeding friendly’ status as part of an ongoing effort to...
Southampton Welcomes Breastfeeding
by Sophie Kynoch The Southampton Welcomes Breastfeeding scheme, which offers local businesses the opportunity to welcome breastfeeding in their venue, was launched recently to great...
#WorldPrematurityDay2022 Breastfeeding Premature Twins – Shelley’s Story
#EverythingAffectsHealth: How the rising cost of energy bills may worsen the nation’s health
Our New CEO
Bump Buddies Ayrshire
What Breastfeeding Looks Like
Here are some useful image guidelines: We would particularly welcome images from: We would also love to see images that represent the difficulties that can...
New research on the delivery of breastfeeding support in England and Wales.