One of the founding members of BfN, Dr Wendy Jones MBE has been supporting breastfeeding families for more than twenty years. As she heads towards...
#BfNConf21 Guest Blog: 10 Things You Don’t Expect About Nursing Aversion
Zainab Yate explains the often complicated phenomenon of nursing aversion. To hear more, come along to BfN’s annual conference on Saturday 2nd October, where Zainab...
Breastfeeding through cancer treatment: with help from the Drugs in Breastmilk Information Service
Breastfeeding peer supporter Hannah was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2020, and was repeatedly told during treatment that she would have to stop or avoid...
Guest blog: Breastfeeding during Ramadan
BfN peer supporter and Camden Baby Feeding Team member Zamzam Elmi talks about her experience breastfeeding 4 children through Ramadan, and the decision she made...
Breastfeeding If You Are On The Autistic Spectrum
As part of World Autism Acceptance Week, BfN and National Breastfeeding Helpline Helper Katrona draws on her own experiences to share some information about breastfeeding...
Breastfeeding and Down Syndrome: Information for Families & Breastfeeding Supporters
Breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome can sometimes present challenges, but with the right information and support, many can breastfeed successfully. As part of World...
Christmastitis: look after yourself this holiday season
Helen Ball: Sleep, Baby & You: development of a support intervention for UK families
Dr Lisa J Orchard: The Impact of Social Media on Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding support during COVID-19 – A summary report in collaboration with Professor Amy Brown (Swansea University) and Dr Natalie Shenker (Imperial College & Human Milk Foundation)
#MakingItWork – what if expressing doesn’t work for me?
Gemma Scott is a registered midwife and health visitor, and currently works for Plymouth City Council Public Health Team. Since her work focuses on children...
Guest post: Emma Pickett on returning to work as a breastfeeding mum
As part of our #MakingItWork campaign, Emma Pickett (IBCLC and chair of the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers) gives her take on the process of returning...