Course Reference: Supporter2022/11
Course Title: Supporters (Scottish)
Course Type: Full Supporters course
Number of places available: 8 for full course plus an additional 4 for Module 2
Course start date: Introductory call on 22/03/2022 at 6:30pm and sessions commencing on 29/03/2022 at 8:00pm
Course end date: End November 2022, with Module 2 anticipated to start in early September 2022.
Day and time of sessions: Tuesday evenings
Duration: 13 (8+5) x 2 hour Zoom sessions delivered fortnightly, plus 3-4 hours online work, per session, via BfN training site site and 13 assignments to be completed as well
Assignments to be completed by: 30/11/2022
Course venue: Online using Zoom.
Closing date for applications: 15/03/2022 (extended from 08/03/2022)
Proposed interview date (if applicable): Afternoon of 21/03/2022 (to be confirmed)
PVG required: Yes (BfN will arrange this at no cost to volunteers)
Course information:
In all cases, applicants must be an active and currently badged BfN Helper (or equivalent with another organisation). If there is a surplus of suitable applicants priority will be given to existing BfN Helpers, those residing in Scotland and those applying for both modules 1&2.
Details of current volunteering activity should be included in the application form. Applicants may choose to apply for:
- Module 1 only
- Modules 1&2
- Module 2 only (must be a registered BfN Helpline Supporter and active on NBH)
Applications for Module 1 and Modules 1&2 will also be considered from those who are not currently registered as BfN Helpers if they are registered and actively volunteering with another organisation in an equivalent role. If offered a place, these trainees will be required to completing the transferring in process and be registered with BfN. Applications from those who have recently completed the BfN Helper course and who are pending registration will also be considered.
References will be requested as part of the application process. Applicants for whom Sarah Edwards or Kirstin Worsley is the current supervisor should ask another supervisor they are in contact with to be their referee, or their current project coordinator, and provide their details on the application form. For those applying with a view to transferring in and who do not have a BfN Supervisor, they should use their current project coordinator as an alternative person for this purpose.
How to apply:
If you are interested in being considered for this position please complete the online application form found at the link below.
Please be aware that, due to Covid-19 restrictions currently in place, recruitment staff are working from home and therefore we cannot accept postal applications at this time. If this is a barrier to you applying, please contact us as at the earliest opportunity so that we can support you to apply.
If you have any questions about the course, voluntary role or application process, please email or telephone our HR Advisor on 0844 412 0995.